
I believe we can all agree on the fact that the human body is a very complex machine and each of us is unique. There is no other YOU on this planet. 


Trillions of cells constantly reproducing and interacting with each other while being affected by our lifestyle, environment and beliefs.

We rarely get an immediate response on our daily habits and actions. 

Of course when you break a leg, the response of your body is immediate and the pain clearly indicates where the problem is. In this case, the solution is pretty clear and quite simple too.

But most of other pains and aches come from not so obvious reasons and it's because of the complexity of the systems interacting with each other and any of those pains are the result of decades of habits that were not serving our wellbeing.

Mindset is everything. Have you heard the phrase?

I'm sure you did. But let me be clear.

It is not everything when it comes to pain, but it plays an important role.

If you suffer from chronic pain, you will still need to transition toward an anti-inflammatory diet, do exercise to strengthen the muscles around the problematic area and stretching to keep a great mobility of your joints. But also there are more things that can hold you back from your pain relief and they have to do with mindset.

Because let´s be clear…

The only thing that is holding you back from what you want is YOU.

Your beliefs are shaping your thoughts, your thoughts are shaping your actions and your actions are shaping your life. And some of the beliefs that many times were automatically passing on us from our ancestors are not serving us and need to be ditched in order to move forward and evolve.

So let´s have a look at some common beliefs that might hold us back from feeling great.


1️⃣ When we reach a certain age it is normal to live with pain.

When you believe this is true, there is no way you can live a pain free life. It´s definitely true that from the age of 40 the cell reproduction starts to significantly slow down and therefore the recovery of the tissues is much slower as well as the metabolism.

It is important to know these facts and adjust the lifestyle accordingly. If we try to keep the same lifestyle as when we were 20+, it cannot end up well. I´ve seen many people trying to push through the workout like they did 20 or 30 years ago and being disappointed about the results. What's even worse is that usually they end up with injuries. Having some knowledge about the aging process, respecting it and adjusting the lifestyle can open the doors to a pain free life. Holistic approach is the one that works best, including daily exercise, mainly focused on mobility to stimulate the lubrication of the joints and keeping the maximum range of motion, some weight training to avoid the lean mass from disappearing and anti-inflammatory diet with plant diversity for great gut health to keep the immune system strong.

But also giving yourself the permission to abandon any limiting beliefs regarding your age and just let them go. I bet these limiting beliefs are not even yours, they were just passed on to you and it is much easier to accept them than trying to prove otherwise.

But there are living examples of people who refused to accept any limiting belief and run marathons and lift weights at the age of 80 and more!

It is fully up to you what you choose to accept as your belief and your life will start to unfold accordingly.

2️⃣ I´m too old for… (fill in the gap).

Have you ever talked to yourself like this? Well, we are probably all guilty of this self-talk at some point. 🙈

This is one of the most common limiting beliefs that hurts us not only physically but also mentally.

Saying I´m too old for something makes our mind shut, so we are no longer willing to learn or try something new.

When we stop stimulating the nervous system, the neurons start to shrink. The problem is that all the systems in our body are deeply connected and the nervous system runs through the connective tissue - fascia constantly signaling messages and that shapes our posture .

When we abandon the idea that we are capable of achieving goals and dreams it will shape our body in a pattern of defense and fear because we no longer feel confident - and you can probably imagine such a posture with a round back, shoulders and neck collapsed forward and you also probably know how much pain it can create.🥺

3️⃣ I don´t need more of… (fill in the blank).

Ok, this one is tricky, because we can talk about gratitude for what we already have that is definitely a healing tool and being humble, which is a quality that is very well accepted by society.

I´m not talking about material aspirations here, which I think are totally fine.

I´m talking about health aspirations.

But if you are surrounded by people who suffer from diseases and chronic issues, it is easy to fall into the gratitude trap for your back pain, because you already know someone who suffers from cancer and you feel grateful for your situation.

Let me tell you something.

You can always feel better. And even if you reach a pain free state, you still can work on your energy levels, strength, endurance or flexibility and you can keep getting better. Because the human body thrives on challenges. That's how we survived over thousands of years. We were able to adapt to extreme climates and situations in order to get stronger.

People often ask me why I need to do another juice cleanse if I don´t need to lose weight and I already eat healthy. My reason is I do it because it is uncomfortable, which makes me stronger and I want to feel even better and I always experience some kind of improvement every time I do it.

Now, have you recognized some of the limiting beliefs that might be holding you back from your optimal health? Great!

Being aware of them and paying attention every time they pop up in your head is the beginning.

And then you need to give yourself permission to let them go, so that you can thrive.

If you feel inspired for some healthy challenge, why not try my 5 Days Juice & Smoothie Digestive Break and observe how it can improve your energy level, make you feel lighter and more resilient? 

You don´t even have to do it on your own, our Holistic Pain Relief Group is a great supportive environment where many of the members are joining the challenge at their own pace.

I hope to see you there. Meanwhile take care and choose growth.🌱


