3 Main Reasons Why You Might Fail To Keep Your Wellness Routine.
There are reasons for a wellness routine
roller coaster..🤔
So here we go again with the “back to the routine“ stuff - after every summer holidays, Christmas or even during COVID-19 lockup…
I must admit I like to see people around me, my clients and friends so motivated to do the right stuff for their health. But it doesn’t seem to last.
It also makes me think, why is it that most of the people fall out of their “routines“ every 3-4 months?
Why don't people’s motivations and actions last?
Well, you might say that it is the holidays and the social conditioning that goes with it, which means lots of bad food, kids out of school = no early mornings, more family / friends time = late nights etc.
I honestly don't know anyone who says he/she feels great at the end of the summer or winter holidays.
But I do hear everyone say they cannot wait to get back to their routine.
So why don’t we just keep the routine and feel great all the time without suffering the ups and downs of weight, mood, energy levels, motivation and all the good stuff that makes us feel happy?
HERE are some reasons why you might fail to keep your wellness routine.
1️⃣ Your wellness routine might not be YOURS.
We have all been there, when a friend tells us about this new gym/ spinning/HIIT class and we join in, because well, it should me more fun to go with a friend, right? Then after a while when we feel drained and tired we start to make up excuses about how busy we are and all the reasons why we cannot make it this time, but the next week for sure…
The truth is when you want your WELLNESS to deliver results, it has to be personal. Because it is about YOU. The amount and intensity of exercise YOUR body needs for optimal energy levels is different with every person. That is why MINDFULNESS is the best foundation for creating your personal routine. You really have to pause and observe your body how it feels during and after every activity and WRITE it down in your journal to be able to track the results.
How will you know if an activity is a good fit for you? It is quite easy, although most people don't connect the dots. If it is draining your immune system, meaning you are catching colds and flu every few months (or even weeks), then you should definitely lower the intensity and increase your recovery time. The famous Crossfit idea about “pushing through your limits“ is just not for everyone.
2️⃣ Your routine is too time consuming.
If your WELLNESS consists of training in a gym for 1 hour and then breakfast with a friend for another hour, then you add the time you need to get there and back home, take a shower and start doing your work, it has consumed 3 hours of your morning or evening. So it is quite logical, that when kids have holidays, there is no way you can find 3 hours for yourself.
Your personal wellness routine doesn't have to take more than 30 or 40min, which makes it easy just to add it before your kids wake up in the morning.
But it has to be consistent, well designed and personalized. A good personalized blend of cardio, stretch/yoga and meditation 30min a day will deliver much more results than 2 heavy gym sessions per week and it is easier to keep during the holiday time and it truly can become a priority because you notice how good it feels and how important it is to your wellbeing,that it becomes a you first program before anything and anybody else in order to be your best and offer others your energy and care.
3️⃣ You don't give yourself enough time to stick to a particular routine.
We all have heard a million times about the 20 or 30 day rule that it takes to stick to a new habit. I personally think it is very individual. And not so important anyway. You just do it till it becomes a habit, meaning your body asks for it, so you don't have to push yourself through the process.
But what is important during the process is TRACKING and MINDFULNESS and the best tool for it is JOURNALING. Especially during the first stage of creating your personalized routine, take a few minutes just to observe how it feels and write it down. It is very helpful to go back after a month or two and see to progress documented. This then helps you ‘see’ the results and quantify them to keep going.
Feel inspired?
Now, make it yours. Download my 💙FREE MORNING ROUTINE WORKBOOK💙 bellow and tell me what you have come up with...