Ok, so we´ve wrapped the 2020 finally and here we are facing a new 12 chapters. 🙌🏼 We all know what went wrong last year and that from a positive point of view we can say it was definitely transformational.
And now after all we´ve learnt here is the opportunity to get ready. Even if we don´t know what can happen in the future and we are clearly not in control of the things that can happen around us, we are in control of how we respond.
In 2020 we´ve been reacting from fear, but not responding much from wisdom..🙈
I think that a good response needs a solid foundation we can trust - our physical and mental health. No matter what´s going on in the world, when you are healthy and balanced you can respond with confidence and even see opportunities in tough situations. But without it you just shrink in fear, stay paralyzed, depressed and angry.
So what is your plan?🤔
How are you going to build up your strong foundation?
For me, every new year is an uplifting event infused with new dreams, projects and plans. At this moment, I´m usually fed up of all the Holidays and can´t wait to get back to my routine.
This is also the perfect moment to do my digestive break / reset based on juicing and smoothies. And there are much more great reasons for it than just losing some extra weight.
When we look back in history, humans were always going through times of abundance and celebrations that were followed by times of food scarcity. The food wasn´t available all the time and it was difficult to store and keep fresh. Therefore when there was food available, people ate it as soon as possible without knowing when the next time the food would be available again. Human body has adapted to this kind of eating over thousands of years and fasting became an important part of a healthy routine (even if nor voluntary).
About 60-70% of all the body's energy is spent on digestion.
Depending on the food we eat and our ability to process it (which for each person means something else)it can be more or less. But the fact is that at the end of the day, especially when we are snacking all the time there is not much energy left to repair the tissues and do some cellular housekeeping which also means getting rid of toxins.
Human body was perfectly designed to heal itself from anything if given nutrients and rest, but especially these 2 terms became quite corrupt in the modern world.
You might think that if you are eating all day long you are nourished and if chilling on the sofa watching Netflix you are resting. But you cannot be further from the truth…
Most of the conventional food is processed, enhanced by additives for better taste and chemicals for longer storage. On top of that processed food is low in nutrients and high in sugar and salt, which creates addiction and makes you want more of it. You can even feel hungry after eating all day, because your body is screaming for nutrients, but you are barely getting any.
And what about rest? I´m talking about digestive rest. It takes at least 8-10 hours (depending how fast is your metabolism) to digest any meal. With constant snacking your body is in some kind of hamster wheel trying to digest what´s there while you keep throwing more food in. The cells can´t keep up and start to protect themselves creating mucus around them to keep them separated from the toxins. Puffiness is usually one of the first signs signaling a need for a digestive break. If you ignore it, more mucus is created in all the tissues, leading to inflammation, aggravating the nervous system and creating pain in the areas that are your weak spots.
Are you getting the picture?
And this is why a digestive break is the best idea to start a New Year. And benefits go even deeper.
1️⃣ Digestive break based on juicing gives you all the nutrients your body needs for a few days, but as there is no need to break and digest the food, they just go straight to your bloodstream and cells. The energy you are saving goes to cellular housekeeping, getting rid of toxins naturally and tissue repair.
2️⃣ You will get the opportunity to observe your emotional eating patterns and get rid of them. With all the nutrients your body gets in green juices, there is only one type of hunger - emotional. With so much food available all the time, it became a tool for emotional comfort. When we feel sad - we grab a snack, when we feel depressed and angry - we grab a snack, when we want to celebrate - we gather and we eat and drink again. Noticing these tendencies and consciously trying to shift attention to something else is very transformative. Feeling angry and irritated? How about to try some breath work or meditation. Feeling sad? Stretch your upper body and observe the different postural impact on the state of your mind and emotions. Try to come up with comforting activities that don´t involve food - reading, art, movement.
3️⃣ Observe the extra time you have when cooking is not on your daily schedule. I don´t know about you, but I spend between 1-2 hours in my kitchen most days. To save some time, I like to do a weekly meal prep on Sundays that reduce that time to 30min… but still even with 30min 2-3 times a day, 7 days a week is almost 10 hours a week extra? What are you going to do with it? How about starting to take the steps toward your goals!
4️⃣ You will have the opportunity to cultivate inner strength, resilience and discipline - all the qualities we need to be able to face any adversities in life. Because even if we are motivated at the beginning of a new year, the truth is that difficult situations will show up. But they will be easier to cope with with a strong foundation based on trust in your body, mind and power.
My 5 Days Juice & Smoothie Digestive Break starts on Monday January 4th and if you feel now that it might be a good idea to try it, join me! It is much easier and fun to do it together.
Join our tribe of health-seeking warriors inside HOLISTIC PAIN RELIEF FB GROUP if you want to join my juicing challenge.
And if you want to do it on your own, at your pace or just grab the FREE 15 delicious juice & smoothie recipes from my program, that´s ok too!
I wish you your healthiest year ever! ✨🥳